Friday, October 1, 2021

Still here


Hello,  I'm still around if you would like an appointment over whatsapp, email if you would like to make an appoitment.

I am hoping when things are more relaxed next year to open up my therapy room and see people in person.  I'm also hoping to run workshops in my local area.  I will update the blog and website when I know more.

The blog will start being updated with news and, other holistic and spiritual information on a weekly basis.

I hope you and your families are keeping well and safe at this still difficult time.

Love and Light Blessings

Jennifer x

Friday, February 5, 2021

Solace Healing and Therapy

My first blog post

Hello and thank you for looking at my blog.

Lockdown really has taken its toll on my therapy business as I haven't been able to offer any one to one sessions in person.

In the first lockdown I offered a special rate for EFT over whatsapp and this was received well and thankfully I was able to help a few people.

My mental health has been affected by Covid like alot of people, being a therapist doesn't make me exempt from suffering with mental health problems, I have had quite a few low days.  

I currently have 2 children at home homeschooling and this is definately challenging for them and for my mental health, they get stressed, I try to help but they say 'you are not a teacher', well I know that but they seem to love telling me it over and over.

During this difficult time I have turned my attention more to my crystals, I carry about 5 in my pocket at the moment.  I use these for calming, clarity and the dreaded menopause hot flushes.

I've been trying to keep busy during covid making crystal earrings, crystal necklaces, crystal chakra sets and a blind bags with my new creation called My Crystal Creature, this is series 1 and there are 11 crystals with eyes and a name to collect.  I am trying to get children interested in Crystals if only to hold, inspect and collect. Crystals are timeless and ancient, they are not suitable for under 5's due to small parts.

My website has been updated with My Crystal Creature purchase option and I will be adding earrings, necklaces and chakra sets over the next few days.  Please have a look at 

I am still offering EFT over Whatsapp if you would like help with anxiety or worry.  Please email me at to make an appointment.

Look after yourself, take the time you need for yourself.  If things get difficult remember to breathe.